Google Rolls Out March 2023 Core Algorithm Update: Consequences

Google core update

“Google strikes once more with Google Core Update!” The SEO Industry is Being Shaken by the March 2023 Broad Core Update – “Are You Ready?”

If you’re into SEO or run a website, you must have  heard of Google’s March 2023 Broad Core Update. You might even be scratching your head as your rankings might have turned upside down. We get it. That’s why we, as a growth marketing agency, have come up with this blog post to ensure you stay up to date and do the course corrections to bring your SEO wagon back on track. Let’s dive right into it!

What is the March 2023 Broad Google Core Update All About?

Google’s core updates are a crucial aspect of search engine optimization, as they influence how websites rank on Google’s search results pages. The March 2023 core update is no different, and it is expected to have a significant impact on how websites are ranked by Google’s algorithms.

The primary focus of this update is to promote or reward high-quality and high-value web pages, regardless of the content type or region and language. Google has clarified that this update is not specifically targeting any pages or sites, but rather, it is meant to improve how the search engine assesses content overall.

Due to this new update some previously under-rewarded pages might now perform better in search results. It provides a chance for website owners and content providers to increase the quality and worth of their content while also providing more relevant information to their visitors.

While some experts believe that the March 2023 core update will cause significant disruption for black-hat SEO tactics that use techniques that violate Google’s guidelines to rank higher in search results, it ultimately serves as a reminder to focus on creating high-quality, valuable, and relevant content that meets the needs of the audience.

Key Takeaways of the Google Core Update

Google core update march 2023
Search Engine Journal

Here are some of the key takeaways of the Google latest algorithm:

  • Every Second Counts

Although core algorithm adjustments can have a substantial impact on your website’s rating, the consequences may not be immediately visible. Allow enough time for search engine crawlers to index and reassess your website, which might take days or even weeks. As a result, it’s critical to remain patient and not panic if your website’s ranks decline following a major algorithm upgrade.

  • Keep Tabs on Your Website Analytics

The best way to gauge the impact of core algorithm updates is to monitor your website’s organic search traffic and keyword rankings. These metrics can provide insights into how the update has affected your website’s visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). By keeping a close eye on the numbers, you can identify potential areas for improvement and take corrective action to recover your website’s ranking.

  • The Power of Quality

Google’s primary objective with core algorithm updates is to serve better search results to users. As a result, the information on your website must be of high quality. Creating valuable and relevant content that is customized to the demands of your target audience will help you rank higher in search results. Quality over quantity will not only help you rank higher, but it will also boost user engagement and attract more visitors to your website.

  • Pay Attention to Details

Technical characteristics of your website, like site speed, mobile usability, and appropriate indexing, can all have an impact on its position. If you overlook these aspects, your website’s visibility in SERPs will suffer, resulting in a decline in organic visitors. As a result, it is critical to pay them the attention they need in order to guarantee that your website is search engine optimized and provides a great user experience.

What to Expect from the Google Latest Algorithm Update?

As the dust settles on Google’s recent algorithm upgrade, website owners are bracing for potential changes in keyword rankings. While the upgrade is currently in effect, the benefits should be seen in the next few days and weeks. Google’s goal is to provide better quality results to visitors, therefore sites with high-quality, targeted content are likely to be rewarded. Those who have faithfully followed best practices in the maintenance and improvement of their site may be among the first to benefit from the update.

  • Quality Content Pays Off

The recent Google upgrade has begun to have an effect, and early indications point to positive results for websites that adhere to the E-A-T principles. This means that if your website concentrates on providing relevant and trustworthy material, you can expect an increase in your ranks.

Surprisingly, even UK official websites such as have witnessed an increase in rankings. But it’s not all good news. Some websites are witnessing negative implications, especially the ones that have a reputation for low-quality content. In fact, Sistrix has identified some of the top losers by domain, and is one of them. So, it’s time to review your website’s content strategy and focus on delivering high-quality, user-centric content to stay ahead of the game.

  • Avoid Hasty Updates

When Google releases an algorithm update, it’s natural for website owners to want to make changes to their site in response. Hold your horses! It’s best to take a breath and let the update do its job before making any hasty changes

You have to resist the urge to make any sudden or drastic changes without first allowing the update to settle and its effects to become clear. It can take time for Google’s crawlers to fully index and assess the web after a core update, and it’s possible that the initial fluctuations in search rankings may not reflect the update’s full impact. By giving the update time to settle, website owners can avoid making changes based on incomplete or inaccurate information. Instead, it’s important to closely monitor search rankings and other metrics over time to gain a more complete picture of the update’s effects, and adjust search strategies accordingly based on the data.

  • Actionable Steps to Secure your Site

What steps can you take as Google’s core update begins to roll out? The answer lies in adhering to Google’s guidelines, as this can influence future algorithm updates. To start, prioritize creating valuable and relevant content that caters to the user’s needs. This is evident in Google’s Helpful Content Update from August 2022. Incorporate relevant keywords in prominent areas of the page that users would search for. 

Besides, you also have to ensure your links are crawlable and use internal linking so that Google and users can easily navigate your site. By following these best practices, you can create a solid foundation for your website’s success amidst Google’s ever-evolving search algorithms.

So what should your SEO team do now? Let’s discuss.

Tips for Your SEO Team to Implement Post the Update

Google’s latest core update may only be temporary, but if your pages experience permanent changes, taking action may be necessary. As an SEO marketer, it’s important to carefully monitor your pages and follow a four-step action plan to ensure that you’re not negatively impacted by this update.

  • Keep an Eye on Performance

It is critical to closely check your site’s stats. Are you noticing any changes in page visits, sessions, time on page, keyword positioning, or any other crucial metrics?

For example, if you notice a large decline in page views or sessions, this could indicate that the upgrade has had a negative impact on your sites. Alternatively, an improvement in keyword positioning or other critical metrics may indicate that your pages are performing better.

It’s critical to keep an eye on these data, especially near the end of March when the change is fully applied. This will provide you with a better understanding of how your website is being impacted and whether you need to take action.

In addition to tracking these measures, it is critical to comprehend the context of the data. If you notice a decrease in page visitors, it could be due to external reasons such as seasonality or changes in consumer behavior. You can make informed judgements about how to respond to swings in your metrics if you understand the context underlying the data.

  • Perform a Website or Content Audit

If you notice drops in your site’s metrics after Google’s core update, it’s important to take action to understand why your pages are being impacted. One way to do this is by performing a content audit to identify which types of searches are being affected the most.

By assessing competitor content, you can gain insights into areas where you may be able to improve your own content. For example, if you notice that competitor content ranks higher than yours for the same search, it may be because their content offers original information, reporting, research, or analysis that yours does not.

Creating original content that offers firsthand knowledge on a topic can help improve your page’s relevance and authority, which can lead to higher rankings and better performance in search results. By taking the time to understand what types of content your audience is searching for and what your competitors are doing well, you can create a more effective content strategy that addresses the needs of your target audience.

  • Focus on Quality, Valuable Content

Creating high-quality, valuable content is essential to achieving success with SEO. Google’s core ranking algorithm is designed to reward pages that provide a great user experience, and one of the key ways to achieve this is by offering content that is both valuable and trustworthy.

To ensure that your content meets the high standards set by Google, it’s essential to focus on creating people-first content that provides real value to your audience. Google offers resources to help content creators develop high-quality content, including a list of self-assessment questions that you can use to evaluate your content.

These questions cover a range of topics, from the originality of your information to the value your content provides compared to other pages in search results. By addressing each of these questions, you can ensure that your content is not only valuable and informative, but also meets Google’s criteria for high-quality content.

  • Optimize Technical SEO

When ranking your site, Google considers the technical features as well, therefore optimizing your technical SEO is critical. This can include improving your site’s structure, enhancing loading speed, making it mobile-friendly, and incorporating structured data. Now is a good time to look more closely at these areas and fix any issues that may develop in order to prioritize the user experience.

You can ensure that Google’s latest change has no negative impact on your pages by following this four-step action plan. It is vital to closely check your site’s statistics and to focus on creating high-quality, relevant material that meets Google’s standards. Additionally, optimizing your technical SEO might help improve your site’s ranking and user experience.

Concluding Words

While the exact impact of the March 2023 core update has yet to be revealed, it is evident that Google will continue to prioritize excellent content and user-centricity. Staying educated, regularly monitoring website analytics, and modifying techniques will be critical for marketers and website owners to keep a competitive edge in search rankings. 
You can secure long-term success by prioritizing your audience’s demands and providing relevant content. Finally, being ahead of the curve and up to speed on the latest upgrades will provide the maximum return on investment on your growth marketing strategies and maintain your website at the forefront of your business.